Learn how "priced to sell" helps buyers save and sellers close deals fast.

Real estate listings often feature “code words” that carry deeper meanings than what’s explicitly stated. Words like “cozy” hint at a small space, while “fixer-upper” signals a home needing substantial updates or repairs. One of the most misleading phrases is “this one won’t last,” which ironically often applies to homes lingering on the market for months. However, one key term to watch for is “priced to sell,” a phrase that holds significant implications for buyers and sellers alike.

What priced to sell means for buyers. For buyers, priced to sell signals an opportunity. It’s not just a catchy phrase since statistics back up its weight. When a listing includes priced to sell, it often means the seller is motivated and willing to negotiate. This can result in substantial savings.

For example, in Little Rock, Arkansas, homes listed as priced to sell offered an average discount of 23%, translating to a median savings of $57,000. Similarly, in St. Louis, Missouri, buyers saved an average of 18.7%, or $49,000. Even in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where the discounts were more modest at 11.4%, buyers still saw a median savings of $32,000.

“Priced to sell is more than just a marketing buzzword—it’s a strategic signal.”

What priced to sell means for sellers. For sellers, the decision to use priced to sell in a listing description carries weight. Including this phrase implies flexibility and openness to negotiation, which can attract buyers looking for deals. However, if the goal is to minimize negotiation and hold firm on the asking price, it’s best to avoid using this term. Ensuring the listing description aligns with selling goals is crucial to avoid setting the wrong expectations.

Priced to sell is more than just a marketing buzzword—it’s a strategic signal. Whether looking to buy or sell, understanding its implications can help make informed decisions in the real estate market. If you need more guidance and have questions, I’m here to help. Contact me at 515-414-0059 or email me at misty@mistysold.com. Let’s start your successful real estate journey today!