How you can make the jump to becoming a full-time real estate agent.

Choosing to become a real estate agent is a major career transition. While their reasons for making this choice vary, one common question arises from those considering this path: “How do I become a real estate agent?”

I often discuss the practical aspects of real estate—dealing with clients and the transactions. I’ve learned a lot in that regard, but in reality, the real estate licensing test covers a lot of material that you rarely use in practice. For instance, do you know how many square feet are in an acre? While it’s useful information, it’s something you could easily look up if needed.

I went through the process myself, taking real estate classes through the Des Moines Area Association of Realtors. For anyone considering this path, especially if you struggle with self-paced learning, I highly recommend the in-person classes. They do a fantastic job. I was recently discussing this with someone interested in getting licensed, explaining that there are both online self-study options and live classes, either in-person or via Zoom.

Many people struggle with the self-paced online version, not because the material is harder, but because it can be challenging to stay focused and the module tests can be tricky. Having an instructor helps clarify what to focus on for the test and provides guidance. The instructors are up-to-date on the key topics that will appear on the exam, making it less intimidating and more manageable.

“If you’re thinking about becoming a real estate agent, you can start these classes and get your background check done simultaneously. ”

For the licensing process, besides the 60-hour course, you need to pass a background check, including getting your fingerprints taken and sent to the FBI. There are also three additional courses required: 12 hours each of listing practices, buying practices, and developing professionalism and ethics. These are needed to understand the responsibilities you’ll have as an agent, especially since we handle contracts and clients’ money with a significant fiduciary duty.

If you’re thinking about becoming a real estate agent, you can start these classes and get your background check done simultaneously. This way, once you complete your courses and pass the test, you’ll be ready to get your license immediately. Typically, the entire process takes about two to three months, though some motivated individuals complete it faster.

I completed all my classes in January and took the test four days after finishing the courses, totaling about six weeks. It’s a testament to my work ethic and dedication to becoming a licensed real estate agent.

Becoming a real estate agent can be a rewarding career move, opening doors to new opportunities and growth. If you want to learn more about starting your journey, give us a call or send us an email today!